Examination of the Commissions's proposal for post-2020 legislation to reduce Co2 emissions of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles

For the continuation of the CO2 emission standards from newly registered passenger cars and light commercial vehicles for the post-2020 time-period, the Oeko-Institut carries out analyses on several issues with regard to the regulation and is available for adhoc-consultation. Topics include the CO2 reduction contributions of various regulatory options for the German transport sector, the associated costs for manufacturers and vehicle users, the effects on the market ramp-up of electric vehicles, the effects of switching the test cycle to WLTP, the development of the real emission deviation from test cycle measurements and options to limit the further increase in the real emission deviation.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Ruth Blanck

Project staff

Sven Kühnel
Dr. Wiebke Zimmer

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)