Examination of the legal possibilities for introducing a noise limit for the Frankfurt/Main Airport

The report describes possibilities for establishing a noise ceiling at Frankfurt Airport based on various proposals for contingency models discussed in the region. Legal limits are also identified. A distinction is made here between proposals that are based on movement figures and proposals that provide for noise-based limits. A further differentiation is made between “establishing the status quo” based on the zoning decision and more extensive restrictions that are below the earlier forecast and the effects assumed in the weighing decision. In particular, the possibility of subsequent changes to operational regulations already provided for in the planning approval decision opens up possibilities for action here for the approval authority. For example, it would be possible to adopt the so-called Frankfurt Aircraft Noise Index achieved in the region and introduce a noise ceiling on this basis.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2015

Project manager

Funded by

Fluglärmschutzverein Rhein-Main e.V.