Finalisation of the heat planning guidelines, taking into account the GEG and WPG

The project includes support services for the finalisation of the federal guideline on heat planning, which is intended to provide detailed and practical methodological recommendations and assistance for the implementation of municipal heat planning, as well as an associated technology catalogue, which includes uniform and scientifically sound techno-economic parameters that are to be used when applying the methods described in the federal guideline. Specific services of the project include in particular work on suitability testing and abbreviated heat planning, division of the planned area into heat supply areas, presentation of the heat supply types for the target year and transformation of gas distribution networks as well as systematic evaluation of the written comments on the guidelines and technology catalogue.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2024

Project manager

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Project partners

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu)
German Energy Agency (dena)
Becker Büttner Held PartGmbB
Institute for Energy Economics and the Rational Use of Energy of Stuttgart University (IER)
adelphi research gGmbH
Prognos AG