Financial incentives for additional climate protection and biodiversity services in forests - forests with high structural diversity and biodiversity

The German government implements an incentive system for additional climate protection and biodiversity services in forests, which has a modular structure. The project develops recommendations on the design of the financial incentive system for additional climate protection and biodiversity services in forests and specifically on the module "Forests with High Structural Diversity and Biodiversity". A practical test is carried out for the recommended funding criteria, the assessment of funding amounts is derived, the framework under state aid law and funding law are examined and their impact on climate protection performance in forests is assessed. The results obtained lead to a proposal for a catalogue of criteria ready for implementation. In addition, consultancy services are provided on an ad hoc basis.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Project partners

Natural Forest Academy
Prof. Dr. Klaus Günther-Dieng
Prof. Dr. Justus Eberl, LG Forstpolitik und Umweltrecht, Fachhochschule Erfurt
Prof. Dr. W.-H. v. d. Wense HNEE