FOMOS II - Feasibility study and project concept for a national living lab (conception and initiation of a model project in Stuttgart for climate-neutral and sustainable cities and regions from the perspective of the transport industry)

After new instruments and requirements for the target visions of sustainable climate-neutral mobility and cities were identified in FOMOS I using methods of futurology, environmental accounting and innovation policy strategy development, and systemic requirements for action were derived, a subsequent feasibility study is to be carried out in FOMOS II on a specific model city (Stuttgart). In a first step, the aim is to check the hypotheses and measures developed against the existing plans, objectives and challenges of today's municipal policy and, where possible their effects (e.g. change in e-mobility, conversion, parking spaces, expansion of multimobility). As a second step, a joint research and innovation project will be designed together with the city of Stuttgart and suitable representatives of the FAT/VDA, which will formulate a novel transformation approach with large-scale real-world experiments of technology, space, offers, user behavior and regulatory framework conditions for funding by the federal government. In this orientation, FOMOS-II specifically addresses the mission of climate-neutral urban and mobility development in Germany, as formulated in the current draft of the Federal Government's Future Strategy for Research and Innovation. The aim of the project is to proactively position a major project of the VDA for the innovation policy implementation of climate protection targets for mobility and urban development in Germany.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2024

Project manager

Project staff

Juliette Le Corguillé
Lukas Ziegler

Funded by

Verband der Automobilindustrie e. V. (VDA)

Project partners

Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering (Fraunhofer IAO)