Further development of legal regulations for the protection against aircraft noise – report evaluating the Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise

The research project examines the implementation status and effects of the Act for Protection against Aircraft Noise (FluLärmG), which was amended in 2007. The German government had already revised the FluLärmG in 2007 to take account of the increased requirements for noise protection. After a 10-year period specified in the law itself, the project reviews whether the law needs to be adapted to the current state of aviation technology and the latest findings of noise impact research. The report comprehensively evaluates the existing legal regulations, the technical possibilities for protection against aircraft noise and the health effects of aircraft noise. This is supplemented by a comprehensive survey of stakeholders, which focuses in particular on practical application issues. Based on this, the experts formulate recommendations for a possible further development of the legal framework.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2017

Project manager

Project staff

Christoph Brunn
Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Environmental Law & Governance
Cara-Sophie Scherf

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Team Ewen

Website of project
