Future financing of energy supply from renewable sources

Scientific support for the analysis and evaluation of reform approaches for the readjustment of the financing of the energy transition, as well as for the further development of the Ministry’s own proposals for a transparent and long-term sustainable financing system that ensures the expansion of renewable energies to achieve climate goals. In addition to addressing specific research questions, the assignment also included ad-hoc support for short-term clarification of specific climate policy, economic or legal issues in this topic area. As part of the project, the state-regulated pricing of electricity, heat and transport was first analysed, obstacles examined and reform options derived. In addition, reform paths of CO2 pricing in the heat and transport sectors were examined for their climate and distribution policy effects. In addition, the effects of a reduction of state-regulated pricing and further instruments for the promotion of post-EEG plants and storage facilities were evaluated on the basis of a catalogue of criteria.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Project partners

Prof. Dr. Stefan Klinski
Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft e.V. (FÖS)
Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Website of project
