GHG accounting methodologies, standards and certification for green hydrogen and PtX

The overall objective of this project is to support the PtX Hub in its efforts to develop recommendations on PtX sustainability and to provide advice to policy makers and other stakeholders from the German and European public and private sector, from its nine partner countries (in geographical order: Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Namibia, Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, India and Vietnam) and from international organisations.

The project output are policy briefings on current topics related to GHG accounting and certification of PtX products. Briefings include an indroduction to standards and certification of PtX products and a detailed analysis of requirements and regulations set out under the Deligated Act of the RED II and comparison to the RED III regulations.

The dialogue is organized in nine country and regional digital workshops.

Oeko-Institut leads the work on standards and certification, and on regulation regarding electrolysis-based PtX production.

Publication „Certification for Green Hydrogen and Power-to-X. An introduction“ on the website of the International PtX Hub

Publication „EU Requirements for Renewable Hydrogen and its Derivates“ on the website of the International PtX Hub

Publication „Frequently asked Questions on EU Requirements for Renewable Hydrogen and its Derivates” on the website of the International PtX Hub

Publication „Explaining the new Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisum (CBAM) - Implications for PtX imports to the EU” on the website of the International PtX Hub

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

Project staff

Funded by

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)

Project partners

Ecologic Institut gGmbH
adelphi consult GmbH