Global governance map for pilot screening of environmental hazard potentials of mining sites and environmental and social standards (ÖkoRessIII)

To strengthen the ecological raw materials policy, the site-specific assessment method of the precursor study ÖkoRess I is applied systematically and focused on a few bulk raw materials, namely bauxite, iron ore and copper ore, with high case numbers. These raw materials, which are extremely relevant for Germany as a production location, are mined worldwide and imported in large quantities for the production of goods of higher vertical integration. They are therefore of particular importance with regard to the debate on Germany's ecological responsibility in relation to mining conditions in the countries of origin. Based on the systematic application of the method, the knowledge base will be expanded and the assessment system refined. Relevant results of previous research projects, such as ÖkoRess II and UmSoRess but also other related projects, will be taken into account. In order to be able to include the broader raw material-country reference in the considerations, the fact sheets contain relevant contextual information on the governance situation and the application of environmental and social standards that were investigated in the UmSoRess project in a concise form.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2021

Project manager

Peter Dolega
Günter Dehoust
Resources & Transport

Project staff

Dr. Doris Schüler

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu)
adelphi consult GmbH
Projekt Consult GmbH

Website of project