Household Waste Prevention Policy Side Research

The purpose of this research project was to identify and investigate household waste prevention policies with the greatest potential for application in the UK, and to develop a clearer understanding of who currently has responsibility for household waste prevention policy in the UK. A structured research programme was developed. In the first instance a framework was constructed to facilitate identification and analysis of waste prevention policies. This framework was used to undertake an analysis of who in the UK has responsibility for the various aspects of waste prevention policy, and to assist in identifying and reviewing waste prevention policies in place in the UK and in other countries. A series of workshops was conducted to identify policies not currently in use anywhere and to evaluate the potential application to the UK of all the policies to emerge from the research. The final phase of the research entailed undertaking more in-depth research in the form of case studies on the eleven most promising policies.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2007

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

The Environment Council, UK