Initial e-waste country study Ethiopia

The United Nations University houses the Secretariat of the StEP initiative (solving the E-waste problem) of which the ÖI is a member. On behalf of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), StEP will be carrying out major projects in the field of E-waste over the next 5 years, predominantly supporting Ethiopia in addressing the E-waste problem. The proposal includes a preliminary study on the issue (What is already known on the subject in Ethiopia? Which are the players involved? (What can be done?) as well as participation in a first on-site visit + a workshop in March 2010. (Text von Kathrin für AMI-List) Within the last decade, many African countries experienced a rapidly growing e-waste problem. Although a certain share is sometimes repaired in a local refurbishing industry, significant amounts of hazardous e-waste are disposed in uncontrolled dump sites or set on fire. Due to the various hazardous constitutes of electric- and electronic equipment, this practices lead to severe local pollution, which is endangering human and environmental health. Within the project, available data and references on the following issues were collected: - Volume and growth rate of the use of certain e-products (e.g. mobile phones, computers, fridges) - Importation paths and local manufacturing / repair industries - Existing recycling infrastructure and initiatives - Relevant government stakeholders (e.g. health departments, environmental agencies, government ICT-initiatives) - Local research organisations (Universities, research institutes) - Environmental and digital divide NGOs - Existing co-operation projects on ICT-issues (e.g. on digital divide) - Existing co-operation projects on waste issues.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2011

Project manager

Project staff

Britta Stratmann

Funded by

United Nations University (UNU)