Innovative communities - ZUGG: Shaping the future in rural areas together - developing Perleberg and Wittenberge as places of the future between the metropolises of Berlin and Hamburg - using land potential creatively and rethinking mobility

The aim of this project is to investigate the contribution that local empowerment can make to sustainable urban development processes in peripheral small towns, taking the small towns of Wittenberge and Perleberg as examples.

Within the framework of the project, participatory processes are to be stimulated in both towns with the aim of solving local problems of general interest through cooperative action between civil society, administration and other urban actors and thus noticeably improving the quality of life locally. The core of the project is the implementation of local real laboratories in the fields of action "mobility" and "inner city revitalization", in which the developed solution approaches are tested experimentally as clearly defined measures. The findings are to be made available to other responsible parties via a transfer process for successful implementation.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project staff

Funded by

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project partners

Technologie- und Gewerbezentrum Prignitz GmbH (TGZ)

Website of project