Instrumentation options for reducing energy consumption through behavioural changes

The objective of the project was an increasing differentiation of the potentials for sufficiency policies in terms of residential space per capita and power consumption, taking into account target groups and barriers, and to develop starting points for their implementation with the help of a target group and barriers analysis. In parallel, a fundamental macroeconomic approach should be analyzed and backed with policies designed to "reduce gainful employment" in order to promote sufficiency. An analysis of discourses and narratives on sufficiency policies helped to better understand the conditions for the political debate on this matter, and, ultimately, to increase the understanding of enforceability. Finally, the project, with the help of technical meetings, stakeholder workshops and publications, was to contribute to a more wide-ranging political debate on sufficiency policies. Work packages: WP 1: Consolidation of the empirical evidence for sufficiency, WP 2: Comprehensive, macroeconomic issues, WP 3: Narratives on sufficiency policies, WP 4: Communications and publications.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2019

Project manager

Dr. Corinna Fischer

Project staff

Cara-Sophie Scherf
Dr. Franziska Wolff

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu)
Freie Universität Berlin