Green Public Procurement of Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea Region (GrePPP)

In this Interreg Seed Project called “Green Public Procurement of Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea Region” (GrePPP), the overall objective is to collect various types of background information in the supply chain of the pharmaceutical sector, focusing on the national conditions in Finland, Germany, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. Experiences of Green Public Procurement (GPP) of pharmaceuticals differ between countries in the Baltic Sea Region as well as for different types of activities to develop practical systems and tools to give guidance and support to procurers. This is described for selected topics such as the life cycle, supply chain and environmental impacts of pharmaceuticals, procurement legislation and national procurement strategies, research and development, and description of various ongoing activities along the supply chain in the participating countries. The report tries to indicate the many difficulties and obstacles for procuring pharmaceuticals in an environmental sound manner. The report suggests a stepwise approach for coping with the identified difficulties and obstacles with the purpose to create a solid platform for future development on the subject in a broader international context. It also serves as a basis for a future main project on Green Public Procurement of Pharmaceuticals.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2018

Project manager

Funded by

Interreg Baltic Sea Region

Project partners

Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI)