Options for achieving the European 'no net land take' target: Investigating trade-offs and interlinkages between land take relevant laws and strategies in the European Member States and developing international harmonisation options with regards to achieving the no net land take target

The project supports the German Environment Agency and Federal Ministry of the Environment in achieving progress towards land degradation neutrality and net-zero land use in Germany and in Europe. This is ensured by the following components:

  • Analyses and technical support in the context of European dialogue processes;
  • Discussion and dissemination in the context of European workshops;
  • Organizational and technical support in the context of the European Environment Information and Observation Network (EIONET).

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Christoph Brunn
Deputy Head of Division / Senior Researcher Environmental Law & Governance
Dr. Franziska Wolff

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research GmbH