Is good food really expensive? The actual costs of our food

In the framework of the project "Is good food really expensive? Hidden costs of our German diet", which was funded by private donors, the actual costs of various diets on the one hand, and the issue of "hidden" or "external" costs of our eating habits on the other were investigated. The study has shown that the additional costs arising from the purchase of organic and fair trade products can be largely offset by a transition from the "typical German diet" to a diet with reduced meat consumption as recommended for health reasons by the German Association for Nutrition. Even in the light of significant uncertainties in the mapping of data it has become evident that the costs arising as a result of diet-related diseases and due to the use of unsustainable agricultural practices significantly exceed the additional costs for the recommended diet. Therefore, the results of this study support the demands for a more sustainable food production and a fundamental change of the political framework conditions for agricultural production put forward by the board of experts for environmental issues, as well as by various environmental organizations and stakeholders. In this context, it should also be noted that the required societal change towards a moderate and sustainable meat consumption in Germany needs to be guided and backed up. This includes the involvement of all actors covering the spectrum from agricultural production to the food industry over retailers to health insurance organizations and mass caterers, just to name a few examples. An approach for a strategy on how to promote this transition process needs to be developed and closely analysed. Some cooks which kindly provided us with their recipies free of charge, showed that it is possible to prepare very tasty meals on the basis of seasonal products and as part of a balanced diet. Using these recipes, it is quite simple to cook delicious meals.

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Status of project

End of project: 2014

Project manager