Legal framework for climate protection investments

The project examined whether commercial and corporate law, capital market and investment law as well as accounting and tax law contain legal obstacles and neglect incentives which prevent investors and investees from investing in climate protection measures in Germany. The investment fields examined include “Energy efficiency in companies”, “Infrastructure measures in the building and transport sectors”, “Generation, transport and storage of renewable energies” and “Preservation of forests as CO2 sinks”. The analysis of obstacles was methodologically based on a literature and legal analysis as well as 20 guided expert interviews in a total of ten actor groups. The obstacles were described and qualitatively evaluated. Proposals for solutions to five particularly important obstacles were then developed and reflected on in workshops with stakeholders.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2016

Project manager

Funded by

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)

Project partners

Ecologic Institut gGmbH
Business Communications Consulting GmbH
Prof. Dr. Domenik Henning Wendt
Prof. Dr. Janine Wendt, geb. Oelkers

Website of project