Methods and measures to deal with socio-technical challenges in radioactive waste Management (SOTEC-radio)

How to carry out the site selection, construction, and operation of a final repository especially for high-level radioactive waste? How to organize the long-term interim storage, which is necessary until this final repository is built? Scientists and technologists contribute considerably to answering these questions. But also social science expertise, e.g. on the socio-technical dynamics especially during the site selection process, can be of great importance in the phase of preparation and realization of measures for radioactive waste disposal. The project examines the following questions: • How do technology and society interact in decision processes? • How do political, legal, and social framework conditions influence the technologies and con-cepts chosen for final repositories? • To which extent are there options and instruments that enable both affected and interested actors to participate in technical debates and decisions? • How can the period of time relevant for political and social dynamics and processes be ad-equately taken into account in planning? It is analyzed how socio-technical interactions regarding the final disposal and interim storage of radioactive waste can be identified and, above all, how these can be recorded, described, and assessed.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Project staff

Saleem Chaudry
Beate Kallenbach-Herbert
Dr. Melanie Mbah
Research Coordinator for Transdisciplinary Studies / Senior Researcher Nuclear Engineering & Facility Safety

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Project partners

Environmental Policy Research Centre - Freie Universität Berlin (FFU)
Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)