NANOtechnology RIsk Governance (NANORIGO)

The main objective of NANORIGO (NANOtechnology RIsk GOvernance) was to develop and implement a transparent, transdisciplinary and science-based Risk Governance Framework (RGF) for managing nanotechnology risks regarding social, environmental and economic benefits. A new risk management approach is applied, based on available and new high-quality data and advanced scientific tools developed for industry and regulators decision-making, and on communication with all stakeholders (regulators, industries, politicians, the civil society). The RGF integrates available knowledge on ethical, social, environmental and economic concerns into a user-friendly format that can be easily adapted and transferred into regulation for hazard, exposure and risk assessment and management of nanomaterials. The RGF consists of: (i) risk management strategies based on reinforced tools for guidance and decision-making developed for risk assessment, (ii) validated methodologies to identify potential hazard and exposure.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

Project manager

Project staff

Roman Seidl

Funded by

European Commission, DG Research and Innovation

Website of project