Need for action and options for regulating the electricity consumption of electric vehicles

In this project, various regulatory options and timescales for regulatory interventions to increase the energy efficiency of BEVs are developed and evaluated in terms of their impact according to various environmental, social and economic criteria. To this end, the current regulatory status is first outlined and a "business-as-usual" development (BAU development) of electricity demand in the EU is derived. Based on this BAU development, various regulatory options are analyzed and an evaluation of the regulatory options is carried out in order to propose concrete regulatory approaches for the upcoming "reviews" of the CO2 fleet target values with regard to increasing the energy efficiency of BEVs and to be able to discuss their advantages and disadvantages.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

International Council on Clean Transportation Europe gGmbH (ICCT)