NKI: CULTURE4CLIMATE - Initiative for the implementation of the global climate and sustainability goals in the field of culture

The Culture4Climate project is a nationwide climate and sustainability initiative for the entire cultural sector. In the past year, artists, associations and cultural institutions have been addressing the pressing issues of climate change and sustainability in the arts, in exhibitions and museums, in theater and on stage, in film and cinema, as well as in music, literature, design, and in the culture of buildings and monuments. Culture4Climate addresses all cultural sectors and takes up ideas and experiences of previous initiatives in individual fields such as "The Green Museum" or the "Green Music Initiative", bundles and networks them, and uses innovative methods to initiate a broad sustainability dynamic with cultural institutions and in cultural policy. The project creates a portal-based network with cultural practitioners and cultural institutions as well as with associations, cities and municipalities. By drawing on experience from other sectors and the private sector, Culture4Climate accelerates learning processes in the cultural sector. At the same time, the climate initiative uses the creativity and innovative methods of the cultural sector to develop concrete goals for cultural institutions and the entire cultural sector. The model project addresses several inhibiting factors of the cultural sector and thus creates essential foundations for the implementation of global and national climate goals in the cultural sector.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Daniela Eckert

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Project partners

Netzwerk Nachhaltigkeit in Kunst und Kultur e.V.
Kulturpolitische Gesellschaft e.V.