Nuclear Crisis Barometer

The core of the donation project is the presentation of the connection between nuclear safety and conflicts on a specially designed website with information graphics, maps and texts. A web-based, interactive presentation in combination with a regularly updated dissemination of information to defined core target groups is best suited to reach as many actors as possible very efficiently and to react to current tensions. The purpose of the donation project is to give the topic more visibility in the long term and to create a sounding board in order to initiate a committed and competent debate and ultimately also to implement practical steps. The long-term goal is to build up political pressure to develop international agreements to outlaw the release of radioactive substances from nuclear facilities in conflicts. The purpose of the donation project is to anchor the Öko-Institut as the bearer of these messages.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project partners

BertramSturm Design
ukw-freiburg GmbH & Co. KG - Agency for digital brand management