Olympic Committee of Europe Approaching Carbon Neutrality (OCEAN)

The Olympic Committees of Europe Approaching Carbon Neutrality (OCEAN) project is designed to empower National Olympic Committees (NOCs) to acquire relevant knowledge to measure their carbon footprint and develop tailored carbon reduction strategies to reduce their carbon emissions and strengthen good governance in the field of climate action. Coordinated by the EOC EU Office, the project brings together 21 organisations, including 18 European NOCs and the Oeko Institut (scientific institute with climate action expertise), as well as the International Olympic Committee and the Association of National Olympic Committee as associated partners. The scope of the OCEAN project is to upskill partner NOCs’ workforce in the field of climate action through a “Climate Action Officer” training course and provide them with the right tools and expertise so that they can lead the process of carbon reduction strategies’ development in their respective NOCs. Thus, each partner NOC is expected to develop a fact-based carbon reduction strategy to lead their actions well beyond the end of the project, and, ultimately, to reach the ambitious objectives of the Olympic movement in this area. During the project, a carbon emissions measurement tool, tailored to the needs of NOCs and other like organisations, will be developed, piloted and refined. While partner NOCs will use it to measure the carbon footprint of their organisations, the tool will be later made available in an online form to a wider sport movement. Pool of Actions – a register of possible carbon reduction measures and activities – will be developed as another tool to support not only the project partners but also other sport organisations wanting to embark on, and or advance, on their carbon emissions reduction journey. Also, a comparative analysis of the partner NOC’s carbon footprint will be created to support fact-based policymaking and a science-based approach to climate action sport.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Sara Hurst

Funded by


Project partners

European Olympic Committees (EOC, EU Office)

Website of project