On the path towards (large-scale) sustainable sporting events in Germany

The project "On the path to (large-scale) sustainable sporting events in Germany" translates the impulses of the National Strategy for Large-Scale Sports Events (Nationale Strategie SGV) with the target image "Using large-scale sports events to support sustainability goals" and the outlined "minimum standards" into a concrete framework for action. Here, the central political task area of sustainable development and implementation of (large-scale) sporting events is operationalized. The common goal is to develop a practice-oriented sustainability approach on a scientific basis that shapes the future of sports (major) events. The significance of the topic is evident against the background of the negative outcome of the referendums in Germany on the Olympic bids for Munich 2022 and Hamburg 2024. The reason for this is declared to be a distrust in parts of the population towards the organization of Olympic Games and politics. This circumstance is exacerbated by the general societal discussions on resource efficiency and social responsibility in (major) sporting events. The vision of the contractors is not only to take into account the internationally prescribed aspects of environmental protection and nature conservation and to keep the negative side effects of hosting sports (major) events as low as possible. Rather, the vision is to develop, in close consultation with practitioners and policymakers, a convincing common vision for the future with a modern approach based on sport and values. This includes a multidimensional approach that fully exploits win-win effects, taking into account economic feasibility and social responsibility, and transparently outlines corresponding challenges. The results should primarily serve to provide event organizers with a reliable framework for organizing (large-scale) sporting events in Germany with a more positive and sustainable effect on society, the economy and the environment. The aim is to increase the acceptance and advocacy of such projects in terms of value.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)

Project partners

German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB)
German Sport University Cologne

Website of project
