Plastic waste from Germany: Recommendations for action on environmentally sound management in Germany and abroad

The aim of the project is to present the plastic waste streams in Germany and their recycling options in Germany and abroad or how these can be improved. For this purpose, the following conditions will be evaluated:

  • Overview of the accumulating plastic streams and their characteristics (material, impurities, market value).
  • Possible recycling options for the plastic streams identified (recyclability, economic conditions, sales opportunities for recyclates)
  • Actual fate (incl. trade flows and market values) and options to improve them via political measures.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2023

Project staff

Lina-Sophie Achilles
Günter Dehoust
Resources & Transport

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

HTP GmbH & Co. KG