Persistent degradation products of halogenated blowing agents and refrigerants in the environment: type, environmental concentrations and fate with particular regard of new halogenated substitutes with low global warming potential

The aim of the project is to describe and evaluate existing knowledge about the environmental impact of halogenated substances today and in the future. The focus will be on HFCs and HCFCs in applications in the refrigeration and air-conditioning sector, working fluids in ORC plants, blowing agents for plastic foaming and for aerosols, cleaning agents and, if necessary, other agents such as anaesthetic gases and newly identified applications. Particular consideration will be given to short-lived halogenated substances such as unsaturated HFCs and HCFCs. The results of the project will also be fed into international political processes, for example under the Montreal Protocol, in order to provide material for further reflection, decision-making and research. The Technological and Economic Assessment Panel (TEAP) established under the Montreal Protocol often bases its assessments on studies carried out by industrial groups due to a lack of scientific studies. The study carried out in this project is intended to contribute to a broader and science-based knowledge base.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2021

Project manager

Ina Rüdenauer

Project staff

Wolfram Jörß
Head of Carbon Accounting subdivision / Senior Researcher Energy & Climate

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Öko-Recherche - Büro für Umweltforschung und -beratung GmbH