Pharmacies as central places for the (environmentally) conscious handling of drugs

Besides medical doctors and users of drugs, pharmacists are a key group in the context of environmental drug issues. They advise and inform customers on how to use drugs correctly, which side effects or interactions are to be expected and what they need to keep in mind. In dealing with and in advising clients, pharmacists therefore play a central role. As hospital pharmacists, too, they have an influence as purchasers of large amounts, and are available as contact persons to doctors or nursing staff. They thus bear responsibility and have a key role as multiplier. They are open to environmental aspects. Because of customers who return their expired medicines, they are also regularly confronted with the issue of drug disposal. Altogether, pharmacists see themselves primarily as specialists for the effects of pharmaceutical ingredients, and, if confronted with the issue of water pollution due to pharmaceuticals, they take this problem seriously. Here, there is a large potential for promoting awareness in this profession, thus also raising the awareness of customers and clients.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2019

Project manager

Project staff

Markus Blepp
Susanne Moritz
Roman Seidl

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Institute for Social-Ecological Research Ltd. (ISOE)