Plaster recycling 2.0 - Technical preparation to make drywall and synthetic gypsum available for producing recycled plaster - Gips-Rec2.0

In order to meet the foreseeable increasing demand for RC gypsum as a substitute for FGD and natural gypsum, the quantities of RC gypsum produced so far from gypsum plasterboard are insufficient and could not meet demand even with a and would not be able to meet the demand even with a recycling rate of 100%. Therefore, against the background of the the foreseeable decline in FGD gypsum, it is imperative to look for new sources for gypsum recycling. gypsum recycling. Gypsum fiberboard is now also produced in considerable quantities, but are not yet recycled. In this project, technical, economic and ecological investigations and evaluations of the of the potential of end-of-life gypsum fiberboards and of various synthetic gypsums. will be carried out. The aim is to expand the secondary raw material potential for RC gypsum production. The planned project results will provide a new quality of detailed knowledge on the ecological, economic and technological performance of gypsum, economic and technological performance of gypsum recycling. It should be particularly emphasized that the results of the overall project will provide important impetus for an resources (in this case the often ecologically sensitive natural gypsum deposits) and an increase in overall increase in the overall productivity of raw materials. The increase in gypsum recycling is of great importance for a sustainable gypsum supply, since the supply of FGD gypsum will be limited by the foreseeable medium- to long-term phase-out of coal-fired power generation in the coming years. For MUEG, consortium leader in the project, successful results from this project are an important basis for decisions on further investments in the gypsum recycling sector. In the plant operated at the MUEG site in Großpösna (near Leipzig), the processing of annually 75,000 metric tons of gypsum-containing waste has been approved, although only a good third of this possible annual output is being utilized, with an upward trend.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2024

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Project partners

GreenDelta GmbH