Preparatory studies for eco-design requirements of EuPs (II) and on stakeholder representation - Lot C: consumers' representation

The overall goal of this project was to ensure that the views of the European consumer organisations were well represented in the preparatory process leading to implementing measures under the ecodesign directive, both in the study phase and in the Ecodesign Consultation Forum. It needed to be ensured that all consumer organisations willing to contribute were involved in the ecodesign preparatory process, that they obtained expert advice about the topics on the agenda and got the opportunity for providing timely, coordinated and technical contributions.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2010

Project manager

Project staff

Markus Blepp
Eva Brommer
Dr. Corinna Fischer
Jens Gröger
Research Coordinator for sustainable digital infrastructures / Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Siddharth Prakash
Head of Subdivision Circular Economy & Global Value Chain / Senior Researchers Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Ina Rüdenauer
Britta Stratmann

Funded by

European Commission, DG Energy

Project partners

The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC)