Product carbon footprints for food products

In accordance with the WWF terms of reference, the aim of this project is: - Calculation of PCFs of three product examples (strawberry jam, mustard, mixed coffee drinks). The overall objective of drawing up these PCFs is the evaluation of existing accounting "standards" in terms of their information value, comprehensibility and applicability. Furthermore, the investigation should reveal which requirements should apply in the context of data collection, or to what extent the generic data available in the existing major databases can be drawn upon for the preparation of PCFs in the food sector. - Creation of a database (on the basis of Microsoft Excel) on selected PCFs existing in the food sector, including an analysis of the PCFs in terms of the the analyzed products' potential for improvement and of the PCFs' use in consumer advertising.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2013

Project manager

Funded by

World Wide Fund For Nature International Germany (WWF Germany)