Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) for a Low-Carbon Economy in ASEAN

The overarching goal of the advisory service is to contribute towards driving the policy framework for promoting the sustainable consumption and production pattern in ASEAN in order to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts. Thus, the advisory services to the GIZ include following key tasks: (1) Methodological and technical support (on the basis of Train-the-Trainers) for target countries (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines) in developing and integrating climate-relevant criteria for the selected product groups in Ecolabels (Type I) and Green Public Procurement (2) Recommendation on new product groups and services with substantial greenhouse gas emissions in private and public sector and their greenhouse gas reduction potential. (3) Technical support and on-the-job training of the representatives from target countries (Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Philippines) in identifying product groups for harmonization of Ecolabels (Type 1) and definition of Common Core Criteria for implementation. (4) Development of a methodology and database on calculating the greenhouse gas emission reduction on the basis of integrating the climate-relevant criteria in Green Public Procurement in each target country. (5) Analysis of innovative concepts, strategies, instruments and policies (political, economic, financial or fiscal) of selected European countries, Japan, US and South Korea for promoting climate-friendly products and services, followed by recommendations on the adaptation and implementation of these strategies in the selected target countries. (6) Scientific support in identifying and backstopping pilot projects on innovative SCP concepts in the selected target countries. (7) Conceptual support in developing political events with key decision-makers in order to stimulate political processes in the field of SCP in target countries. (8) Training on the identification and integration of social criteria in Ecolabels and Green Public Procurement. (9) Scientific input and support in developing a proposal for the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA), possibly in the field of SMART Cities, SMART Buildings and Sustainable Development Goals in selected target countries. (10) Supervision and mentoring of a technical expert of the GIZ Office Bangkok (Advance SCP) at the Öko-Institut in Freiburg.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2018

Project manager

Project staff

Dr. Florian Antony
Head of Subdivision Sustainable Food Systems & Lifestyles / Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Ina Rüdenauer

Funded by

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)