Promotion of re-use: experiences gathered in the German federal state of Schleswig-Holstein

If investment or consumer goods are reused by another user after the end of their useful life by means of suitable measures, this results in a better social amortization of the resources invested in these products. In this context, it is irrelevant whether end-of-life products were waste in the legal sense before reuse or not. For this reason, efforts to expand such reuse and/or re-utilization measures are an important element in national and European strategies to increase resource efficiency, and they are part of the German waste prevention program . Against the background of this larger environmental policy framework and in the context of other state policy activities for waste prevention and resource conservation, an inventory of the reuse measures established in Schleswig-Holstein by the public waste management authorities (örE) is carried out in a very concrete way in the projects carried out. In addition, some exemplary projects from the area of the social-economic carriers were also integrated into the inventory. On the basis of this inventory, recommendations are derived that should be taken into account in the further development of reuse activities in order to generate the greatest possible success.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2014

Project manager

Günter Dehoust
Resources & Transport

Project staff

Funded by

Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und ländliche Räume des Landes Schleswig Holstein

Project partners

Ökopol – Institute for Environmental Strategies GmbH

Website of project