Reproducible and methodically transparent compilation of the qualitative/quantitative GHG reduction potentials achievable through the reduction of land use as a planning assistance for regional and municipal protection of green spacesGertz and climate protection.

The main objective of the project is to show what concrete contribution the reduction of land consumption can make to climate protection. It is intended to determine the GHG reduction potential that can be achieved by saving land in a methodologically comprehensible and robust manner, and in particular to present it in a clear manner, thereby making a contribution to the land and climate policy debate and to the implementation of the climate policy goals specified in the Climate Protection Act. Specifically, this includes, on the one hand, using scenarios to calculate how achieving different quantity targets for land use will have a quantitative impact on GHG reductions. On the other hand, the GHG reduction potentials calculated in the scenarios are to be visualized in a clear manner for the public and professional policy debate. Furthermore, the findings are to be incorporated into central recommendations for action for regional and municipal planning authorities, with which they can independently and with reasonable effort carry out spatially delimited considerations and determine and communicate their contribution to achieving climate policy goals. As a result of the project, reliable, methodically comprehensible and resilient approaches for the determination and visualization of GHG reduction potentials through land saving are ultimately expected.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

3f design
Gertz Gutsche Rümenapp – Stadtentwicklung und Mobilität GbR
Mundialis GmbH & Co KG
sichtagitation Erik Tuckow