Resource policy at local and regional level (KommRess)

The aim of the project "Resource Policy at Local and Regional Level" (KommRess) is to support and actively advise the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Environment Ministry on the further development of the "German Resource Efficiency Program" (ProgRess) until 2020. Overall, the participation of municipalities in the continuation of ProgRess should be strengthened, as they are important drivers for the programmatic development and the practical suitability. Furthermore, the topic of resource efficiency and conservation should be more firmly anchored at local and regional level. Information on activities for increasing resource efficiency and conservation in municipalities should therefore be bundled in a newly established service center and made available to municipal actors.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2020

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu)

Project partners

German Environment Agency (UBA)
German Institute of Urban Affairs (Difu)

Website of project