Revision of the EU fleet target values for CO2 reduction for passenger cars, light and heavy duty vehicles

The aim of the project is to provide technical support to BMU and UBA in: -  the evaluation of the proposals of the EU Commission and the proposals of other stakeholders on European and national level for the revision of the CO2 Regulation for motor vehicles and - the development of own design options for the revision of the CO2 Regulation for motor vehicles, taking into account the political objectives of the German government for the consultations within the German government and between the EU member states. For this purpose, analyses on the effects on the costs of different actors, the GHG emission reductions achieved, and other possible impact categories will be conducted and made available in formats that can be used in political decision-making. In addition to papers and presentations with a longer lead time, Öko-Institut's expertise is also available on an ad-hoc basis for inquiries.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2024

Project manager

Ruth Blanck

Project staff

Juliette Le Corguillé

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Website of project