Rhetorics and Realities: Analysing Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe (RARE)

The RARE project („Rhetoric and Realities – Analysing Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe”, funded within the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme) seeks to improve the understanding of the effectiveness of CSR as a policy instrument and how CSR can in practice benefit sustainable development in the EU. The project programme includes:

  • nderstanding and analysing CSR in four fields of sustainable development: environmental protection (climate and chemicals policies), resource management, gender equality and countering bribery
  • Surveying CSR in three business sectors: the oil industry, the banking sector and the fisheries and fish processing industries
  • Researching and developing in-depth case studies on CSR impact
  • Carrying out an SME stud
  • Developing a CSR Impact Assessment tool
  • Assessing the political and public policy dimensions of CSR

The book "Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: Rhetoric and Realities", publis

hed by Edgar Elgar Publishing,

contains the core results of the RARE project





More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2007

Project manager

Dr. Franziska Wolff

Funded by

European Commission, DG Research and Innovation

Project partners

Stockholm Environment Institute
Frithjof Nansen Institut (FNI)
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Peter Wilkinson
Institute for Social-Ecological Research Ltd. (ISOE)

Website of project