Rhetorics and Realities: Analysing Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe (RARE)

The RARE project („Rhetoric and Realities – Analysing Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe”, funded within the EU’s Sixth Framework Programme) seeks to improve the understanding of the effectiveness of CSR as a policy instrument and how CSR can in practice benefit sustainable development in the EU. The project programme includes:

  • nderstanding and analysing CSR in four fields of sustainable development: environmental protection (climate and chemicals policies), resource management, gender equality and countering bribery
  • Surveying CSR in three business sectors: the oil industry, the banking sector and the fisheries and fish processing industries
  • Researching and developing in-depth case studies on CSR impact
  • Carrying out an SME stud
  • Developing a CSR Impact Assessment tool
  • Assessing the political and public policy dimensions of CSR

The book "Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: Rhetoric and Realities", publis hed by Edgar Elgar Publishing, contains the core results of the RARE project : https://www.e-elgar.com/shop/gbp/corporate-social-responsibility-in-europe-9781847207647.htm .

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2007

Project manager

Dr. Franziska Wolff

Funded by

European Commission, DG Research and Innovation

Project partners

Institute for Social-Ecological Research Ltd. (ISOE)
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei
Frithjof Nansen Institut (FNI)
Peter Wilkinson
Stockholm Environment Institute

Website of project