Scientific investigation to increase product-related energy efficiency

In the coming months and years, decisions will be regularly taken on new energy labelling and Ecodesign regulations. In addition, a large number of energy labelling and Ecodesign regulations will be revised during the project period. In these forthcoming consultations, Germany will advocate demanding standards at EU level. The research project is intended to support Germany's negotiating position from a scientific and technical point of view. Particular attention will be paid to horizontal issues that may become relevant for several product groups. These include: adaptation of measurement methods and Ecodesign requirements to the actual operating conditions; options to include measurement and feedback functions; new functions and modes of operation; screening of previously excluded equipment groups; regulations on putting into service and manufacturer updates; possibilities for absolute energy savings; regulation of products with short innovation cycles. The most relevant product groups for these cross-sectional issues will be identified in the course of the project. In addition, the product groups lighting, taps and showers will be dealt with. Besides the work on EU level, additional energy saving potentials in products will be identified at national level and possible courses of action will be investigated and developed. Cross-cutting tasks here are (1) the potential of digitalisation, (2) the ex-ante and ex-post assessment of the effectiveness of policy instruments, (3) consumer and market research, and (4) legal advice. The contractor also supports the client in the implementation of measures.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2021

Project manager

Ina Rüdenauer

Project staff

Dr. Corinna Fischer
Jens Gröger
Research Coordinator for sustainable digital infrastructures / Senior Researcher Sustainable Products & Material Flows
Johanna Jacobs
Rasmus Prieß
Roman Seidl

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Project partners

Institute for Energy and Environmental Research (ifeu)