Scientific support for the further development of instruments for the market ramp-up of hydrogen and its derivatives

Oeko-Institut supports the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Action in the development of instruments for the market ramp-up of hydrogen and its downstream products. In this project, Oeko-Institut advises on three topics: production and use of low greenhouse gas hydrogen, certification of hydrogen, and use of hydrogen and its downstream products in the transport sector. In all areas, regulatory requirements as well as economic and technical aspects are analyzed.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)

Project partners

Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (Fraunhofer ISI)
Becker Büttner Held PartGmbB
Prognos AG
Guidehouse Energy Germany GmbH
Fraunhofer Research Institution for Energy Infrastructures and Geothermal Energy (Fraunhofer IEG)
Consentec GmbH