Screening to produce a typology of product groups in the food sector according to their anticipated carbon footprints

In the discussions on "Carbon footprints" that have started within professional circles, it has become clear that, depending on the type of product, its production and use in the categories of raw material extraction, manufacture distribution, consumer purchasing, product usage and disposal, a differently pronounced "carbon footprint" is being produced. In most cases, a significance only exists in one or two of the above categories (e.g. milk products in the recovery of raw materials, breakfast eggs during use of the product, e.g. by cooking in the open pot). As the calculation method for "Carbon footprints" requires considerable efforts, the objective of the client is to conduct a categorization of the products under investigation already beforehand and, by means of a general screening, to distinguish, inter alia, between products with consumer- or manufacturer-related aspects relating to the formation of CO2-equivalents. The emphasis of the project is placed on food.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2010

Project manager

Project staff

Eva Brommer
Britta Stratmann

Funded by

Landesamt für Natur, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz des Landes NRW