Service contract to provide analytical support to the Commission’s follow-up work on its proposals for the revision and extension of EU emissions trading

The objective of this project is to provide analytical support for the Commission’s follow-up work on its proposals for the revision and extension of the EU Emissions Trading System. This includes analysing a new carbon market for road transport and building, the characteristics of the actors in the new market and the new market’s interaction with national carbon mitigation policies. The project also provides analytical support for the preparation of implementing and delegated acts related to monitoring, reporting, verification and accreditation of the new emission trading system for buildings and road transport, as well as in relation to the EU ETS extension to maritime transport and the revision of the EU MRV Regulation. Ad hoc analysis is also provided through this project to support the Commission during the co-decision process.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Verena Graichen
Sienna Healy

Funded by

European Commission, DG Climate Action

Project partners

Environment Agency Austria
Ricardo Energy & Environment (Ricardo-AEA)
Trinomics B.V.