SIROP - Towards Scenario Interoperability Subproject: Conceptualising knowledge transfer. Research on scenario comparisons. Further development of the OEP and the Open Energy Ontology.

High-quality data is important for modeling and analyzing climate and energy scenarios. If data are accessible and openly licensed, working with them becomes more efficient, transparent and reproducible.

The more data that is digitized in helpful formats and annotated with metadata, the better not only the transparency but also the opportunity for comparison. Since findings from energy and climate scenarios are important building blocks for climate protection and the energy transition, scenario comparisons help at this point.

Currently, many relevant scenario data are still available at different locations and in different formats and more or less annotated with metadata. Therefore, they can only be compared or further used to a limited extent and with a high expenditure of time.

In SIROP, the project team is dedicated to

1. the improvement of scenario interoperability to further increase the usability of scenario data across project contexts,

2. researching the systematics of scenario comparisons in order to enable (partially) automated scenario comparisons on the Open Energy Platform .

Embedded in the context of the Open Energy Platform, the already existing scenario database will be extended. In parallel, hurdles in the use of the Open Energy Platform will be removed through the development of training concepts.

With these activities, the project team is taking a further step towards goal-oriented energy system research.

The joint project SIROP consists of 4 subprojects, in which the entire project team is dedicated to specific aspects.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Project partners

Reiner Lemoine Institute
Otto von Guerike University Magdeburg
Fraunhofer-Institut für Energiewirtschaft und Energiesystemtechnik (Fraunhofer IEE)