Study to assess legislative options to boost production and uptake of Sustainable Aviation Fuels in the EU

As part of a consortium around Ricardo Energy & Environment, Öko-Institut supports the evaluation of different options for the use of sustainable aviation fuels and the possible options for a political incentive regulation in a medium-term (2030) and long-term (2050) perspective (ReFuelEU Aviation). In this context, Öko-Institut undertakes analyses to evaluate various fuel options (focus on e-kerosene) with regard to possible cost developments and the technical status of fuel production. In addition, Öko-Institut carries out assessments of individual aspects and their design options in a European fuel regulation for aviation.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2021

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

European Commission, DG for Mobility and Transport

Project partners

Ricardo Energy & Environment (Ricardo-AEA)