Study to support the Commission in gathering structured information and defining of reporting obligations on waste oil and other hazardous waste

DG Environment has commissioned a study to support their work on considering the feasibility of adopting measures for the treatment of waste oils, including quantitative targets and further measures to promote their regeneration, mandated by Article 21(4) of Directive 2008/98/EC on waste (Waste Framework Directive or WFD). The data on waste oils in accordance with Article 37(4) of the WFD will only be reported by mid-2022, while the assessment with a view to delivering this task by the Commission has to start earlier. This is necessary in order to respect the ambitious deadline of end 2022 and to ensure a well-prepared and evidence-based Commission report accompanied, if appropriate, by a legislative proposal as required by Article 21(4) of the WFD. Therefore, one of the objectives of this study is to collect and analyse quantitative disaggregated information on relevant lubricating / industrial oil products placed on the market, the amounts of waste oils collected and the different treatment operations which they undergo in Members States. Another objective of the project is to obtain information regarding best practices, both in terms of policy and technology, in the field of collection, regeneration and other recycling of waste oils. Furthermore, the project includes similar prospective examination regarding other hazardous liquid organic wastes, in particular solvents. Another task of the project is the development of data format for the reporting on waste oil in compliance with Article 37 WFD incl.: format for data, quality check format and guidance document.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Peter Küppers
Georg Mehlhart
Jasmin Weishäupl

Funded by

European Commission, DG Environment