Supporting research on the use of battery-powered heavy-duty vehicles in day-to-day logistics operations - ELV-Live

In the ELV-Live project, the regular use of battery electric heavy-duty vehicles (BET) is being researched in practice. In view of significantly changed regulatory and technological framework conditions, such as climate protection legislation and targets, fleet limits for heavy trucks and advances in battery technology, an increasingly dynamic development of alternatives for heavy commercial vehicle drives and a short-term pressure to act are becoming apparent. Various studies show cost advantages and basic technical feasibility for BET, with limitations in range and possibly losses in freight volumes. However, the concrete effects on practice and the need for charging infrastructure have so far only been discussed on a highly abstracted level. Against this background, this project pursues the following goals:

  • Scientific monitoring of BET ready for series production in different areas of application and companies
  • Investigation of the practical suitability of BET for different areas of application and the determination of technical adaptation requirements
  • Determining acceptance among different groups of actors in companies and among customers
  • Examination of the possibilities for technical feasibility and economic viability
  • Transfer of the findings to the market as a whole and further development of an overall strategy for the electrification of road freight transport with regard to its future use, involving key stakeholders (associations, manufacturers, politics, science)
  • Exchange of knowledge between users during the practical application of BET and dissemination of the results to the central interest groups.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Juliette Le Corguillé
Lukas Ziegler

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)

Project partners

aproxima Gesellschaft für Markt- und Sozialforschung Weimar mbH
BertramSturm Design