Survey of formal and substantive action possibilities in the regulation of flight paths

The project examines the possibilities on how to formally and substantively improve the consideration of aircraft noise reduction potentials when approving flight paths. Another aspect tackled in the study focuses on improved transparency and public and stakeholder participation. Apart from the recommendations for the reform of the current approval procedure an analysis of the current legislative framework is provided, case-law as well as processes and actors involved.

However, it should be noted that the approval procedures for flight paths have to be designed in a way that they are viable and proportionate. Therefore the project team suggests to discern three different procedures, according to the materiality of the proposed changes of flight paths. The more significant in relation to noise impacts, the more requirements on impact assessments and the extent of public participation. The basic features of the current procedure remain untouched, such as the competency for the Federal Supervising Agency for Air Traffic Management for the approval of flight paths, the role of “Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH” (German Air Traffic Management organization), the role of the “UBA” (German Environmental Agency) and the regional commissions for protection from aircraft noise. The team also addresses means for a better interface between the approval procedure for airport extensions and the approval procedure for flight paths. Other possible solutions on how to reform the approval of flight paths which are currently being discussed in Germany are also subject to a short examination, e.g. the inclusion of flight path in sectoral planning.

Finally, the evaluators develop recommendations that address the greater involvement of the federal and state legislators in addition to the points already mentioned above. The proposals submitted are to be understood as an integrated approach to improve the consideration of noise aspects in the definition of flight procedures, transparency and participation.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2014

Project manager

Funded by

German Environment Agency (UBA)

Project partners

Prof. Elmar Giemulla