Survey of the Environmental Impact Assessment in the approval process for decommissioning and dismantling of components of the nuclear power plant KKP 2 in accordance with Section 7 (3) of the Atomic Law

Öko-Institute operates as consultant under the Environmental Impact Assessment to be carried out for the dismantling of the nuclear power plant KKP 2. The assessment is carried out for the Ministry of Environment in Stuttgart by subcontract of TÜV Süd. The assessment includes the consideration of documents submitted by the applicant, the advice of the Ministry in the process and public participation, the assessment of the environmental impact and the creation of the summary presentation of the environmental impacts, including proposals for any necessary requirements of avoiding and minimizing environmental impact. Radiological impacts i.e. iradiation, radioactive emissions and non radiological impacts i.e. noise and air pollutants will be considered.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2019

Project manager

Christian Küppers

Project staff

Peter Küppers

Funded by