Sustainable Consumption and Production for Low Carbon Economy - Low Emission Public Procurement and Eco-Labelling (SCP4LCE) - Advisory Services on Eco-Labelling in Thailand and the ASEAN-region

The study contains advisory services aimed to strengthen the project Sustainable Consumption and Production for Low Carbon Economy - Low Emission Public Procurement and Eco-Labelling (SCP4LCE) commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) and implemented by GIZ in Thailand, other ASEAN-countries and China. The described services shall form an integral part of this project and will include the following tasks: - Methodological support for the Thai partner organisations in the planned and on-going review processes of selected criteria documents of the Thai Green Label/ GPP with a particular focus on climate relevant criteria. - Introduce up-to-date methodologies for product sustainability assessment in order to enable the Thai counterparts to develop and review eco-labelling criteria and Green Public Procurement strategies according to international standards. - It was envisaged that the consultant provided theoretical know-how input as well as on-the-job-training with the Thai counterparts. This was to be done during physical visits to Thailand as well as via email and teleconferences. - Provide backstopping for the project and its counterparts in the development and review of selected eco-labelling criteria (regular support via email and telephone-conference). - Provide overall advice and guidance regarding eco-labelling philosophies, strategies, international and regional harmonisation and lessons learnt from other eco-labelling schemes and Green Public Procurement initiatives. - Assist the project in applying Life Cycle Costing tool for selected product groups and Monitoring and Evaluation of the pilot GPP implementation.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2015

Project manager

Project staff

Funded by

Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)