The EcoTopTen product award - focus on Energy Saving (SEK)

The overall objective of the project was to make an active contribution to the national climate protection targets in Germany. The overall objectives of the project was to increase the market share of energy-efficient, energy-saving devices and fuel efficient cars; a shift of the equipment in use in German households towards a higher proportion of energy efficient best appliance; Increasing awareness of the issue of electricity and energy savings for consumers. With two actions, consumers were mobilized in the project: one in cooperation with electricity providers and one in cooperation with fire brigades and THW. Active support of consumer purchasing decisions by providing a current, user-friendly and attractive website ( with high visibility through extensive networking and the inclusion of both traditional public relations and social media (Facebook, Google+, Twitter).

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2018

Project manager

Project staff

Johanna Jacobs
Ina Rüdenauer
Roman Seidl
Britta Stratmann

Funded by

German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB)