The Empowerment of households to participate in decarbonization – transdisciplinary research from a psychological, economic and political science research perspective; Sub-project: Interactive communication tool for mobility investments

The aim of the project is to examine the existing barriers, but also the potential opportunities for an inclusive energy transition from a social, economic and political science perspective. Particularly impact-relevant areas (heating and mobility) as well as potentially vulnerable groups (population in rural areas) are the focal points. In an analysis phase, the disciplinary findings on barriers (issues of subjective mapping of the investment decision, affordability, distributional impacts) will be embedded in the current and future context (rising CO2 price, accompanying measures, actor constellations, institutions, policy mix at different political and administrative levels as well as in different policy areas) and finally integrated into an integrative phase model of sustainable investment decisions of households. On this basis, perspectives for future control instruments and interactive communication tools will be developed in a subsequent development, testing and contextualizing phase in cooperation with practice partners. These will be implemented in a pilot study and tested experimentally. Moreover, it will be evaluated in cooperation with the practice partners. In addition, the acceptance of an increasing CO2 price will be investigated in accompanying studies, especially if it is supplemented by complementary instruments that expand the individual's scope for action. Changes over time and interactions between acceptability and perceived options for CO2 options will also be analyzed.

More information about the project

Status of project

Project is ongoing

Project manager

Project staff

Juliette Le Corguillé

Funded by

Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)