The Lead Recycling Africa Project - Standards for lead smelters: Towards a strong environmental movement in Africa

The objective of the Lead Recycling Africa Project was to identify, monitor and mitigate potentially polluting practices in the lead recycling industries of African countries. Improving the knowledge base on lead-acid battery recycling practices, the project aims at stimulating public debates about health and safety and pollution control standards at the local, national and international levels. Furthermore, the project wanted to facilitate information and skills exchanges as well as networking amongst groups working on sustainable industrial development in African countries and beyond. Project activities encompassed: - Fact-finding studies on lead recycling industries in selected African countries - Dissemination of knowledge on standards and effective mitigation measures - Dialogue with decision-makers in African countries and at international level aiming at the reduction of health and environmental risks associated with substandard lead recycling.

More information about the project

Status of project

End of project: 2016

Project manager

Project staff

Project partners

Pesticide Action Nexus Association, (PAN-Ethiopia)